=========================================== ================ PROPERTIES =============== =========================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \texts\sv.properties \texts\it.properties \texts\en.properties \texts\fr.properties \texts\nl.properties \texts\es.properties \texts\de.properties \templates\sms\conf.properties -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\preprocessingRemovedAborted\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Pre-Processing has removed files NEW: snippet.heading = Pre-Processing Has Removed Files ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\recipient\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.label_name OLD: snippet.label_name = Sender Name NEW: snippet.label_name = Sender name ------------------------ KEY: snippet.label_download_link OLD: snippet.label_download_link = Download Link: NEW: snippet.label_download_link = Download link: ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\archivingFailed\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.message_part OLD: snippet.message_part = the file archiving on your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** has failed for one or more transfers.\n\nPlease **check your server system logs** for further details about this problem. You can also see a detailed list of failed transfers by checking your **Cryptshare Transfer Log** in the Administration Interface. NEW: snippet.message_part = the file archiving on your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** has failed for one or more transfers.\n\nPlease **check your server system logs** for further details about this problem. You can also see a detailed list of failed transfers by checking your **Cryptshare Transfer Log** in the administration interface. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\passwordReset\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Complete your password reset NEW: snippet.heading = Complete Your Password Reset ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\distributionUpdateProcessInterrupted\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Cryptshare Server OS update failed NEW: snippet.heading = Cryptshare Server OS Update Failed ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\passwordNew\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Specify a password NEW: snippet.heading = Specify a Password ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\preprocessingRemovedCompleted\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.label_remaining_files OLD: snippet.label_remaining_files = Transferred Files NEW: snippet.label_remaining_files = Transferred files ------------------------ KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Pre-Processing has removed files NEW: snippet.heading = Pre-Processing Has Removed Files ----------------------------------------------------------------- \texts\system.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: error.transfer.fileTypeFilter.maxFileSizeExceeded OLD: error.transfer.fileTypeFilter.maxFileSizeExceeded = The container file "%s" exceeded the max. allowed container size of %s MB. NEW: error.transfer.fileTypeFilter.maxFileSizeExceeded = The file "%s" exceededs the max. file size limit of %s MB for embedded files. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\verification\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.message_part OLD: snippet.message_part = A verification of your email address is required.\n\nTo proceed, please copy and paste the following code into the verification page in your browser: **$vericode** NEW: snippet.message_part = A verification of your email address is required. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\autoUpdate\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.new_features OLD: snippet.new_features = New Features NEW: snippet.new_features = New features ------------------------ KEY: snippet.available_version OLD: snippet.available_version = Available Version NEW: snippet.available_version = Available version ------------------------ KEY: snippet.installed_version OLD: snippet.installed_version = Installed Version NEW: snippet.installed_version = Installed version ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\autoBackupFailed\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.cryptshare_wiki_link OLD: snippet.cryptshare_wiki_link = http://cryptshare.click/webapp-backup-en NEW: snippet.cryptshare_wiki_link = https://cryptshare.click/webapp-backup-en ------------------------ KEY: snippet.message OLD: snippet.message = Dear Sir or Madam,\n\nthe automated Backup on your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** has failed. Please go to the Cryptshare administration interface and check the system log for details and try to initiate the backup manually.\n\nPlease also check the [Cryptshare Wiki](http://cryptshare.click/webapp-backup-en) for more information and contact Cryptshare Support if the problem persists. NEW: snippet.message = Dear Sir or Madam,\n\nthe automated Backup on your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** has failed. Please go to the Cryptshare administration interface and check the system log for details and try to initiate the backup manually.\n\nPlease also check the [Cryptshare Wiki](https://cryptshare.click/webapp-backup-en) for more information and contact Cryptshare Support if the problem persists. ------------------------ KEY: snippet.footer_solution OLD: snippet.footer_solution = - Check the system logs\n- Try to perform a manual backup\n- Check the [Cryptshare Wiki](http://cryptshare.click/webapp-backup-en) for more information NEW: snippet.footer_solution = - Check the system logs\n- Try to perform a manual backup\n- Check the [Cryptshare Wiki](https://cryptshare.click/webapp-backup-en) for more information ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\distributionUpdateAvailable\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Cryptshare Server OS update available NEW: snippet.heading = Cryptshare Server OS Update Available ------------------------ KEY: snippet.message_part OLD: snippet.message_part = for the operating system of your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** a new update is available.\n\n***\n\nTo perform the update, log into the Administration Interface of your Cryptshare Server and navigate to '**Operating System**'.\n\nYou can see the start page for an operating system update.\n\nThe update process will start by clicking through the '**Upgrade Wizard**'.\n\n**The Cryptshare Server will automatically re-start after the update which may take a few moments.** NEW: snippet.message_part = for the operating system of your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** a new update is available.\n\n***\n\nTo perform the update, log into the administration interface of your Cryptshare Server and navigate to '**Operating System**'.\n\nYou can see the start page for an operating system update.\n\nThe update process will start by clicking through the '**upgrade wizard**'.\n\n**The Cryptshare Server will automatically restart after the update which may take a few moments.** ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\distributionUpdateNotPossible\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.heading OLD: snippet.heading = Cryptshare Server OS update not possible NEW: snippet.heading = Cryptshare Server OS Update Not Possible ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\transferLock\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.message_part3 OLD: snippet.message_part3 = **Your administrator can unlock the transfer** before the end of the lock period via the Cryptshare Administration Interface using the above mentioned transfer ID. NEW: snippet.message_part3 = **Your administrator can unlock the transfer** before the end of the lock period via the Cryptshare administration interface using the above-mentioned transfer ID. ------------------------ KEY: snippet.advice_1 OLD: snippet.advice_1 = Contact your administrator so he can unlock the transfer NEW: snippet.advice_1 = Contact your administrator, so they can unlock the transfer ----------------------------------------------------------------- \texts\administration.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ data.upgrade.welcome.link.0.href data.upgrade.welcome.link.0.name data.upgrade.welcome.link.1.href label.solution.policyRule data.upgrade.welcome.link.1.name error.language.maxPass message.credit.jettison -------------- ---New keys--- -------------- message.policy.csvExport = In this section, the existing policy rules can be exported as a CSV file. Further information can be found in the documentation. error.templateUi.openImage = Cannot read the contents of this image. label.solution.policyRuleSenderName = Rule ${name} - ${senderName} error.language.incompatibleVersion = The version of this language package is not compatible with this Cryptshare Server. message.infoChip.activeLanguage = This language pack cannot be deleted because it is active in the current administration interface session and at least one language pack needs to be available. title.policy.csvExport = Export Policy Rules label.export.singlePolicyRule = Export this policy rule error.backup.tempDirectory = Cannot write to the temp directory. Please check permissions. error.templateUi.imageWidth = This image exceeds the maximum width of 200px. label.policy.csvExportSuccess = Export successful. error.backup.noBackups = At least one of the files is not a backup. error.templateUi.invalidType = The uploaded file type is invalid. Only PNG images are accepted. error.templateUi.invalidSize = This file is too big. Please make sure the file has a maximum size of 2MB. validation.filepath.error.invalid = The given path is invalid. label.language.enabledForUi = Show in Web App label.infoChip.active = active label.policy.csvExportStart = Export label.solution.policyRuleSenderAddress = Rule ${name} - ${senderAddress} error.backup.noBackup = This file is not a backup. error.language.oldLanguagePack = This language package (v${newVersion}) is older than an already installed package (v${existingVersion}) of the same product. ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: error.backup.runningTasks OLD: error.backup.runningTasks = Currently there are other tasks still running. Please wait for them to finish. NEW: error.backup.runningTasks = Currently, there are other tasks still running. Please wait for them to finish. ------------------------ KEY: error.logging.loadDefaults OLD: error.logging.loadDefaults = Failed loading the default LOGBack configuration. NEW: error.logging.loadDefaults = Failed loading the default Logback configuration. ------------------------ KEY: error.policy.csvImport.parsing.incorrectHeader OLD: error.policy.csvImport.parsing.incorrectHeader = The uploaded file does not contain a valid header line. Please consult the Cryptshare Wiki for more information. NEW: error.policy.csvImport.parsing.incorrectHeader = The uploaded file does not contain a valid header line. Please consult our documentation for more information. ------------------------ KEY: message.fileTypeFilter.listMode OLD: message.fileTypeFilter.listMode = This global setting controls the behaviour of unknown file types. Unknown file types will be considered as "{0}". Details can be found in the Cryptshare Wiki. NEW: message.fileTypeFilter.listMode = This global setting controls the behaviour of unknown file types. Unknown file types will be considered as "{0}". Details can be found in our documentation. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.low_space.href OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.low_space.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/jQJ1 NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.low_space.href = https://documentation.cryptshare.com/x/jQJ1 ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.title OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.title = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE {0})**. \r\nThis update requires at least 2 GB of free space on the system partition. Your system does not currently meet this requirement. \r\n**Please increase the free memory first. You can find a tutorial on this in our Wiki.**\r\n NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.title = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE {0})**. \r\nThis update requires at least 2 GB of free space on the system partition. Your system does not currently meet this requirement. \r\n**Please increase the free memory first. You can find a tutorial on this in our documentation.**\r\n ------------------------ KEY: error.fileTypeFilter.csvImport.parsing.incorrectHeader OLD: error.fileTypeFilter.csvImport.parsing.incorrectHeader = The uploaded file does not contain a valid header line. Please consult the Cryptshare Wiki for more information. NEW: error.fileTypeFilter.csvImport.parsing.incorrectHeader = The uploaded file does not contain a valid header line. Please consult our documentation for more information. ------------------------ KEY: message.credit.cryptshare2 OLD: message.credit.cryptshare2 = Cryptshare AG - 79102 Freiburg - Schwarzwaldstra\u00DFe 151 - Germany NEW: message.credit.cryptshare2 = Pointsharp GmbH - 79102 Freiburg - Schwarzwaldstra\u00DFe 151 - Germany ------------------------ KEY: message.logging.remoteLogging.2 OLD: message.logging.remoteLogging.2 = To activate remote logging for an add-on enter the corresponding client ID, a description and the preferred log level. Further information can be found in the Cryptshare Wiki. NEW: message.logging.remoteLogging.2 = To activate remote logging for an add-on enter the corresponding client ID, a description and the preferred log level. Further information can be found in our documentation. ------------------------ KEY: message.postupdate.info OLD: message.postupdate.info = The database update is finished. Incompatible or corrupt data has not been migrated. Please consult the log and the [Cryptshare Wiki](https://cryptshare.click/webapp-database-migration-en) for more details. NEW: message.postupdate.info = The database update is finished. Incompatible or corrupt data has not been migrated. Please consult the log and [our documentation](https://cryptshare.click/webapp-database-migration-en) for more details. ------------------------ KEY: label.fileTypeFilter.fileTypeList.embeddedFileAnalysis OLD: label.fileTypeFilter.fileTypeList.embeddedFileAnalysis = Container formats (e.g. archive files or office files) allow embedding other files. By enabling the respective container types, the content of these container files will be extracted and analysed. If in-depth analysis is enabled, password protected files are removed from the transfer. Increasing the following values may have an impact on the performance of the Cryptshare Server. Setting values of 0 will remove the limitation. More information about in-depth analysis can be found in the Cryptshare Wiki. NEW: label.fileTypeFilter.fileTypeList.embeddedFileAnalysis = Container formats (e.g. archive files or office files) allow embedding other files. By enabling the respective container types, the content of these container files will be extracted and analysed. If in-depth analysis is enabled, password protected files are removed from the transfer. Increasing the following values may have an impact on the performance of the Cryptshare Server. Setting values of 0 will remove the limitation. More information about in-depth analysis can be found in our documentation. ------------------------ KEY: message.upgrade.welcome.text OLD: message.upgrade.welcome.text = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE {0})**.\nUse the "Next" button on this page to start the wizard that guides you through the update process.\nThe Cryptshare Server is not available for the duration of the update. The process takes approximately 30 minutes, but it can take longer depending on the system configuration.\nBefore updating a virtual appliance, we recommend performing a (snapshot) backup.\n\n**Please refer to the following "Important Wiki-Links"**. NEW: message.upgrade.welcome.text = A new operating system version is available for your Cryptshare appliance **(openSUSE {0})**.\nUse the "Next" button on this page to start the wizard that guides you through the update process.\nThe Cryptshare Server is not available for the duration of the update. The process takes approximately 30 minutes, but it can take longer depending on the system configuration.\nBefore updating a virtual appliance, we recommend performing a (snapshot) backup.\n\n**Please refer to the following important links**. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.title OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.title = Your operating system version is not supported for an automated upgrade. Please refer to the Wiki for more information. NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.title = Your operating system version is not supported for an automated upgrade. Please refer to our documentation for more information. ------------------------ KEY: message.distupgrade.indicatorError OLD: message.distupgrade.indicatorError = The distribution upgrade has not yet finished. Please check the current upgrade status using the console. You can reload the page as soon as openSUSE {0} is installed. Consult the Cryptshare Wiki for detailed instructions. NEW: message.distupgrade.indicatorError = The distribution upgrade has not yet finished. Please check the current upgrade status using the console. You can reload the page as soon as openSUSE {0} is installed. Consult our documentation for detailed instructions. ------------------------ KEY: label.policy.csvImportStart OLD: label.policy.csvImportStart = Start Import NEW: label.policy.csvImportStart = Import ------------------------ KEY: label.fileTypeFilter.import.addFileType.manualDescription OLD: label.fileTypeFilter.import.addFileType.manualDescription = As an alternative to uploading a file of a specific type it is also possible to add file types manually. You can find more information in the Cryptshare Wiki. NEW: label.fileTypeFilter.import.addFileType.manualDescription = As an alternative to uploading a file of a specific type it is also possible to add file types manually. You can find more information in our documentation. ------------------------ KEY: message.postupdate.warn OLD: message.postupdate.warn = The migration completed with warnings. Please check the 'Cryptshare Database Migration Log' and consult the [Cryptshare Wiki](https://cryptshare.click/webapp-database-migration-en) for further details. NEW: message.postupdate.warn = The migration completed with warnings. Please check the 'Cryptshare Database Migration Log' and consult [our documentation](https://cryptshare.click/webapp-database-migration-en) for further details. ------------------------ KEY: error OLD: error = Restarting the Cryptshare Service is taking longer than expected. Please check the system logs for more information and the Cryptshare Wiki for further instructions. NEW: error = Restarting the Cryptshare Service is taking longer than expected. Please check the system logs for more information and our documentation for further instructions. ------------------------ KEY: message.logging.defaultsRestored OLD: message.logging.defaultsRestored = Default LOGBack settings restored. Please don't forget to save the changes. NEW: message.logging.defaultsRestored = Default Logback settings restored. Please don't forget to save the changes. ------------------------ KEY: message.language.installed OLD: message.language.installed = These language packages are currently installed on this server. By clicking the 'trash' icon on the right side of each package you can mark the respective package for removal. Finally, click on 'Save changes' to remove the packages from the system. NEW: message.language.installed = These language packages are currently installed on this server. By clicking the 'trash' icon on the right side of each package you can mark the respective package for removal. Finally, click on 'Save changes' to remove the packages from the system. The currently used language pack for the administrator interface cannot be deleted because at least one active language pack is required. ------------------------ KEY: heading.upgrade.welcome.ext_links OLD: heading.upgrade.welcome.ext_links = Important Wiki-Links NEW: heading.upgrade.welcome.ext_links = Important Links ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.link OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.link = Link to the wiki page NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.link = Link to the documentation ------------------------ KEY: message.signicatAuthentication.description OLD: message.signicatAuthentication.description = Please specify the connection credentials for Signicat. eID Features cannot be used until these credentials have been specified. Please get in contact with your Cryptshare AG sales partner if you do not have any credentials. NEW: message.signicatAuthentication.description = Please specify the connection credentials for Signicat. eID Features cannot be used until these credentials have been specified. Please get in contact with your Pointsharp GmbH sales partner if you do not have any credentials. ------------------------ KEY: logbackConf.Required OLD: logbackConf.Required = The configuration settings for the LOGBack logger may not be empty. NEW: logbackConf.Required = The configuration settings for the Logback logger may not be empty. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.href OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/QoHd NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.unsupported_version.href = https://documentation.cryptshare.com/x/QoHd ------------------------ KEY: link.upgrade.main OLD: link.upgrade.main = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/-ICU NEW: link.upgrade.main = https://documentation.cryptshare.com/x/-ICU ------------------------ KEY: message.policy.csvImport1 OLD: message.policy.csvImport1 = In this section Cryptshare policy rules can be imported using a CSV file. If the below option is checked, import rules sharing the same name are handled as follows: NEW: message.policy.csvImport1 = In this section, policy rules can be imported using a CSV file. If the below option is checked, imported rules sharing the same name are handled as follows: ------------------------ KEY: message.policy.csvImport4 OLD: message.policy.csvImport4 = Further information can be found in the Cryptshare Wiki. NEW: message.policy.csvImport4 = Further information can be found in the documentation. ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.link OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.link = Please find more information in the Cryptshare Wiki NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.link = Please find more information in the Cryptshare Wi ------------------------ KEY: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.href OLD: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.href = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/x/0ANC NEW: label.operatingsystem.main.upgradeable_version.href = https://documentation.cryptshare.com/x/0ANC ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\transferRetrieved\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.date_label OLD: snippet.date_label = Download Date NEW: snippet.date_label = Download date ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\unconfiguredFileTypes\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.instructions OLD: snippet.instructions = 1. Open the Cryptshare Administration Interface\n\n2. Navigate to 'Transfer Processing -> File Type Filter'\n\n3. Check the file type lists and save them for confirmation. NEW: snippet.instructions = 1. Open the Cryptshare administration interface\n\n2. Navigate to 'Transfer Processing -> File Type Filter'\n\n3. Check the file type lists and save them for confirmation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.wiki_link OLD: snippet.wiki_link = https://wiki.cryptshare.com/ NEW: snippet.wiki_link = https://documentation.cryptshare.com/ ------------------------ KEY: snippet.label_files OLD: snippet.label_files = Files in this transfer NEW: snippet.label_files = Files in This Transfer ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\logExport\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.message_part OLD: snippet.message_part = this is the log file of your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** for the period from **$date_1** to **$date_2**.\n\nThe automatic distribution of log files can be configured in the '**System Settings**' - '**Log Settings**' section of the Cryptshare Server Admin Interface. NEW: snippet.message_part = this is the log file of your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)** for the period from **$date_1** to **$date_2**.\n\nThe automatic distribution of log files can be configured in the '**System Settings**' - '**Log Settings**' section of the Cryptshare Server administration interface. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\downloadSummary\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.upload_date OLD: snippet.upload_date = Upload Date NEW: snippet.upload_date = Upload date ------------------------ KEY: snippet.label_no_action OLD: snippet.label_no_action = Neither downloaded nor viewed NEW: snippet.label_no_action = Neither Downloaded nor Viewed ------------------------ KEY: snippet.message_part4 OLD: snippet.message_part4 = The retention period for this transfer has expired and the **files have been deleted**. NEW: snippet.message_part4 = The retention period for this transfer has expired, and the **files have been deleted**. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\manUpdate\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.instruction OLD: snippet.instruction = 1. Open the Cryptshare Administration Interface\n\n2. Navigate to 'System Settings -> Updates'\n\n3. Read the Update Instructions carefully\n\n4. Click on 'Perform Update Now' to start the update procedure NEW: snippet.instruction = 1. Open the Cryptshare administration interface\n\n2. Navigate to 'System Settings -> Updates'\n\n3. Read the Update Instructions carefully\n\n4. Click on 'Perform Update Now' to start the update procedure ------------------------ KEY: snippet.message_part OLD: snippet.message_part = an update is available for your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)**. The currently installed version **$oldVersion** can be updated to version **$newVersion**.\n\n***\n\n**PLEASE NOTE: Although you may have enabled the automatic update feature in your Cryptshare Server settings, this update cannot be performed fully automated as it requires your attention**.\n\n***\n\nTo perform the update, log into the Administration Web Frontend of your Cryptshare Server and navigate to '**System Settings**', then '**Update Settings**'.\n\nYou can see information about new features and bug fixes on the screen. Please also note the list of post-upgrade tasks that may need to be performed manually.\n\nClick on '**Perform Update now**' to download and apply the update.\n\n**The Cryptshare Server will automatically re-start after the update which may take a few moments.**\n\nYou can review the release information and the list of post upgrade tasks at any time in the 'Login' area of our website. NEW: snippet.message_part = an update is available for your Cryptshare Server **[$baseurl]($baseurl)**. The currently installed version **$oldVersion** can be updated to version **$newVersion**.\n\n***\n\n**PLEASE NOTE: Although you may have enabled the automatic update feature in your Cryptshare Server settings, this update cannot be performed fully automated as it requires your attention**.\n\n***\n\nTo perform the update, log into the administration interface of your Cryptshare Server and navigate to '**System Settings**', then '**Update Settings**'.\n\nYou can see information about new features and bug fixes on the screen. Please also note the list of post-update tasks that may need to be performed manually.\n\nClick on '**Perform Update now**' to download and apply the update.\n\n**The Cryptshare Server will automatically restart after the update which may take a few moments.**\n\nYou can review the release information and the list of post-update tasks at any time in the 'Login' area of our website. ----------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\sender\conf.properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---Modified keys--- ------------------- KEY: snippet.label_expiration_date OLD: snippet.label_expiration_date = Expiration Date NEW: snippet.label_expiration_date = Expiration date ------------------------ KEY: snippet.label_provision_date OLD: snippet.label_provision_date = Provision Date NEW: snippet.label_provision_date = Provision date =========================================== =================== HTML ================== =========================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\sms\skeleton.html -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- \templates\autoBackupFailed\head.html \templates\logExport\foot.html \templates\preprocessingRemovedAborted\foot.html \templates\autoBackupFailed\foot.html \templates\recipient\foot.html \templates\autoUpdate\foot.html \templates\sender\head.html \templates\skeleton.html \templates\licenseExpiration\foot.html \templates\vendorNotification\foot.html \templates\sender\foot.html \templates\transferRevoked\foot.html \templates\manUpdate\foot.html \templates\passwordNew\head.html \templates\distributionUpdateAvailable\head.html \templates\downloadSummary\foot.html \templates\head.html \templates\passwordReset\head.html \templates\verification\foot.html \templates\vendorNotification\head.html \templates\preprocessingRemovedCompleted\foot.html \templates\transferViewed\foot.html \templates\archivingFailed\foot.html \templates\transferRevoked\head.html \templates\recipient\head.html \templates\statistics\foot.html \templates\recipient\message.html \templates\distributionUpdateNotPossible\head.html \templates\transferRetrieved\foot.html \templates\unconfiguredFileTypes\foot.html \templates\distributionUpdateProcessInterrupted\head.html \templates\transferDeleted\foot.html \templates\transferLock\foot.html \templates\sender\message.html =========================================== =================== XML =================== =========================================== ------------------ ---Removed keys--- ------------------ ------------------ ---Added keys--- ------------------